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Tor Freeman is a London-based illustrator who specializes in children’s books.  But her work goes beyond the typical children’s book illustrator in that her passion for her subjects combined with her talent as an artist make her one of those rare forces we are so lucky to have featured on the L+W blog.  Her work makes sense to both children and adults because of its depth and ability to tell a complete story through one picture.  We love and admire Tor’s work.  Here is what she had to say about some of her pieces:

Although I’m interested in all kinds of illustration, my main work is in children’s books. Here are some watercolour studies of kids.

I like drawing musical instruments, animals and kids playing them. Not sure what kind of horn this might be! Also in pen and watercolour.


Lately I’ve been experimenting more with digital colouring, feeling my way about a bit. I seem to be drawing a lot of pigs these days as well! In my initial sketches for this I was thinking of the scene in The Fabulous Baker Boys where Michelle Pfeiffer sings Makin’ Whoopie on the piano, but more pig ladies joined in.
This was an earlier digital experiment, trying to get different textures. I guess my aim is to make the work still look as traditional as possible.

I love patterns, here I’d been looking at colours from Ezra Jack Keats’ books. Maybe it could work as wrapping paper…

I really enjoyed doing these drawings, listening to the Cabaret soundtrack the while. My favourite thing is drawing characters, movement and expression. I’m trying to be stricter with myself about doing backgrounds too!