Air: Charity Profile


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Renewable World (formerly known as the Koru foundation) was launched in 2007 by members of the renewable charity industry in the UK. Their mission is to tackle poverty in developing countries through the use of renewable energy. They host projects in Eastern Africa, South Asia, and Central America to provide clean water to homes, solar power for healthcare facilities, and wind turbines for farmers to irrigate their crops. Check out more of what they do here!


Love: Art Post


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Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam is a celebrated Japanese artist who’s most famous for using crochet and kitting in her work. In the 1990s, she was unveiling one of her larger crochet pieces at a museum when two children asked if they could play on it. This gave her the idea to create gorgeous crochet playgrounds all over Japan, photos of which have only been available online in the past week or so. We think this is an amazing, exciting project to bring art — and fun! — to kids of all ages!

Water: Charity Profile


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Charity:Water was originally founded by Scott Harrison in 2006, after he fell in love with the shores of West Africa and wanted to find a way to give back to the 1.2 billion poverty-stricken residents of Liberia. Since he created this group, they’ve set out to help the over 800 million people across the globe who have no access to clean water. Tt has helped fund 6,185 projects in 19 countries, and in 2011 they reached 2 million people served. They’ve helped to build wells all over Africa so that villagers no longer have to walk 5 miles to a fresh tap. This has even reduced the number of sexual assaults in these areas, as women are more often the ones who must make these perilous journeys.

Charity:Water has become extremely popular in the mainstream charity world, mostly due to its engaging social media marketing campaign. To find out more about their cause, check out this informative video, narrated by Veronica Mars star Kristin Bell!

Air: Art Profile


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Beth Hoeckel is a mixed media artist and photographer who’s well known for putting together surreal collages of landscapes and vintage advertisements and illustrations. Instead of photoshop, she works entirely with scissors, paper and glue to create these amazing images. Her work has been featured as album art, editorial illustrations, and in art exhibitions around the country. We think she’d be a great addition to the Love and Water community because she has a gorgeous eye for detail and her images are extremely captivating!

This piece is entitled Solar Eclipse. It’s been sold already, but you can but some of her other prints on her website!

Love: Charity Profile


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Hope everyone had a good Pride Weekend! In honor of LGBT Pride Month, the “love” charity we’ve chosen to feature this week is the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice!


Founded in 1977, Astraea is currently the only foundation in the world solely dedicated to supporting LGBTI organizations in both the U.S. and internationally. In particular they seek to address the lack of funding for lesbians of color, as well as the overall need for support for all lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transponders, and interest people. They work specifically for social, racial and economic justice across the globe, and seek to educate the community at large and build a new community of allies who can help to enact change.


Air: Charity Profile


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Trees for Life International began in the 1980s with a group of people who wanted to plant fruit trees in India. Since then it has grown into a global organization that helps to plant trees and raise awareness about environmental images in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and North America. Over tens of millions of trees have been planted, and many of the local communities who work with Trees for Life have also started to implement their own projects, like water conservation and even bee keeping. We think this is a great organization that could definitely use your support, so go to their website today and check out what else they have going on!


Air: Art Profile


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Berndnaut Smilde is a Dutch artist who is most well known for his amazing sculptures of clouds. That’s right, the picture below is not photoshopped — that’s a “real” cloud hovering in the room you’re seeing! Smilde uses a combination of smoke, water vapor, and dramatic lighting to create these temporary works of art that exist only as photos. You can check out the rest of his beautiful images here.

Love: Charity Profile


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The Children’s Body-Image Foundation seeks to help children of all ages to feel good about themselves and to love the skin they’re in, no matter what it looks like! They seek to raise body image awareness and educate the general public about conditions and disorders such as clubfeet, pediatric cancers, alopecia (hair loss), amputation, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and others. They help out at events and work with businesses, and they also distribute financial need to children who cannot cover their own medical costs. Though they’re still a small organization, we think their mission is great and hope they only grow stronger!